Does eddy current testing detect everything? No, unfortunately it does not. The indication of a rupture is indeed directly visible, but otherwise we can only detect disturbances which are possibly caused by defects.
Does a coating have to be removed in case of a defect indication? This is often desirable in view of follow-up testing.
Does NDO Nederland conduct visual testing in pipelines with a video scope? Yes, we do. However, we would like to receive a drawing beforehand in order to select the necessary tools.
Do you offer an inspection report after the test? Yes, we always do. Our motto is: no report, no inspection.
Does NDO Nederland also examine construction damages? After a first visual inspection, we will explore possible follow-up steps with you as well as any necessary additional testing and methods.
Is it possible to conduct ultrasonic testing on hot surfaces? Yes, there are several options to this purpose.
Does NDO Nederland conduct plate lamination testing? Yes, ultrasonic testing is quite suitable for this.
I need ultrasonic testing regarding an unusual situation. Does NDO Nederland offer customised ultrasonic testing? Certainly, we always like a challenge. We find solutions for the most diverse situations.